🌟Learn How this Certification Will Help You Generate an Additional $10K+ Per Month for Your Integrative Health, Fitness, Wellness or Nutrition Business!🌟


Certified Nutrition Practitioner nutrition certification logo

with this CEU Accredited Course!

The most comprehensive CEU Accredited Nutrition Certification program for advancing your medical, health, fitness, wellness or nutrition career!

Be A Step Ahead!

The Certified Nutrition Practitioner™ is the only CEU Accredited Course that teaches you exactly

How to Create Custom Nutrition Programs &

How to Add 6 Figures to Your Bottom Line!

NASM 1.9 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

1.9 CEU's

AFAA 15 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

15 CEU's

NCCPT 1.0 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

1.0 CEU's

ISSA 20 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

20 CEU's

NASM 1.9 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

1.9 CEU's

AFAA 15 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

15 CEU's

NCCPT 1.0 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

1.0 CEU's

ISSA 20 CEU's for Certified Nutrition Specialist Logo

20 CEU's

We are recognized as approved CEU providers by the associations listed above

-- Based on Science - Designed for the Individual --

Certified Nutrition Practitioner Online Nutrition Certification CEU Accredited
Study 24/7 for Online Certified Nutrition Practitioner Nutrition Certification
Before We Tell You About This Life-Changing Certification Course, Let's Talk About Who This Is Really For...

You're ready to build a following and a practice that allows you to impact infinitely more lives, make a whole lot more income, and work wherever, whenever and however you'd like.

Whether You're A...

  • Medical Professional (Naturopath, Chiropractor, Concierge Medical Office) who is ready to provide the next level services In-House as a Value-Add for your existing patient base.

  • A Health Coach (who knows they can impact more lives) wanting to stand out with a program based on science and designed for the individual.

  • A Sports Coach who wants to take their athletes to the next level of performance with nutrition coaching that is based on science and designed for RESULTS.

  • A Personal Trainer/Fitness Industry Expert who's reached a very real ceiling, that knows creating a scalable and/or virtual program is your ticket to helping more people have even greater success with their health & fitness goals. 
You're in the right place and we're going to tell you exactly how the Certified Nutrition Practitioner™ will give you the tools, training, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to creating and launching your Custom Nutrition Practice.

By The End Of This Course,

You Will Have Mastered:

  • Why the one size fits all approach to nutrition does NOT work - specifically, what makes all human bodies the same & what makes them different.

  • ​Everything you ever wanted to know about Proteins, Fats & Carbohydrates, their effects on the human body and what is the right amount for each individual.

  • ​How to determine if certain "diets" and "modalities" are based on Fad, Fiction or Science.

  • ​A science-based approach to creating truly Custom Nutrition Programs that are based on the individual.

  • ​How to plug in your own Nutrition Philosophy into a systematic approach to nutrition counseling.

  • ​How to evaluate & modify Custom Nutrition Programs so that your clients get continued RESULTS and reach their goals in record time.

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to communicate with your clients more efficiently, increase enrollments & increase client compliance to make your programs a win/win for all.

  • How to Add $10K+ Per Month to your Bottom Line with a clear formula and system to Maximize your Training!
healthy food fork measuring tape for nutrition certification specialist program

"the past 3 months I have 12 to 20 nutrition programs sells per month:))"

Hanna Testimonial for Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist program results
Hanna Ormanczyk, Biomedicine Holistic Healing Clinic, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Nutrition Certification

Hanna Ormanczyk, CEO Biomedicine Holistic Healing Clinic, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, CFNS


Access to the Student Version of the

Online What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™

SAVE 48+ Hours Per Month!

Skip All the Complicated Math and

Create Custom Nutrition Programs - with just a few clicks of the mouse!!

What Works Custom Nutrition Software Meal Plan graphic

You will receive your login to the Certified Nutrition Practitioner™

program right away.

And, your "Secret Weapon"... Access to the Student Version of the

Online What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™

Learn how to create CUSTOM Nutrition Programs and

Save 48+ Hours a Month vs. doing them by hand.

All of the formulas are Done For You!!

Have your own Nutrition Philosophy that works??

Plug it into our software and let it do the hard work for you!

What's Inside the
Certified Nutrition Practitioner™ Course?

Course curriculum includes a full 20 Modules of learning. It includes videos, audios, lessons, downloads and quizzes to help you master the training and information.

Here's why it pays to learn from someone who's gone before you -- we know exactly where most students get stuck in the learning process. You will be welcomed in and get a clear understanding of WHY this course was created and the education and motivation that will help YOU move forward with ease. 

We'll start setting you up for success by getting some big decisions out of the way with the end goal of helping you achieve TOTAL clarity about where you're going and HOW you're going to get there.

We want you to be able to focus on helping people transform their lives. We provide you with everything you need to build your business, including a full business toolkit, complete with client forms, handouts, materials, and even the option to add a complete All-In-One Marketing Platform (including Lead Gen, Website, Text & Email Campaigns, Calendar & Appointment Setting and much more) to market your business online and offline!

You can use these materials to Grow, Scale & Leverage your own professional practice in the rapidly expanding health and wellness sector.

Home Study program logo for Certified Nutrition Practitioner
girl studying for Certified Nutrition Practitioner course

What the Certified Nutrition Practitioner™

Course is NOT!

The Certified Nutrition Practitioner™ Course is NOT:

  • A 6 or 8 Module Overview of Basic Nutrition Concepts.

  • A Course of "GENERAL" information - this is NOT about non-precise recommendations such as a "handful" or this or a "thumb-full" of that.

  • 101 Modalities to learn but no idea HOW to Apply Them: That is like having a bunch of mechanics tools and no idea how to use them.

  • A course on how to give Useful but Incomplete Information - such as "make better choices" vs. Specifics on how many grams of protein, fat & carbohydrates are required to create a Custom Nutrition Program based on each individual.

  • ​A guide to creating a One-Size-Fits-All approach to nutrition. It is not a cookie-cutter approach that has you doing the same thing as every other Nutrition Coach out there.
Corry Matthews, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Nutrition Coach, NPC Promoter/IFBB Pro, Fitness & Nutrition Coach

Corry Matthews, MS, CFNS, NPC Promoter/IFBB Pro, Fitness & Nutrition Coach

"Seriously 5 Stars - and no cookie cutter diets! I have known Lucho and Lisza since 2006 and I can assure you that their certification programs are the most comprehensive you will ever find.

If you are looking for a certification that teaches you everything you need to know when it comes to nutrition and your clients/patients getting results - this is it! Bonus - the click and choose software will be a tool you and your clients/patients will absolutely love."

Grow Your Business

Increase Client Value

Increase Your Profits

24/7 Online Access

CEU Accredited

Fast Track Option

The Certified Nutrition



The Certified Nutrition Practitioner™ Difference

Grow Your Business

Increase Client Value

Increase Your Profits

24/7 Online Access

CEU Accredited

Fast Track Option

We've Certified 1,000's of Students Worldwide Since 2003



Gym Owners & Employees

 Nutrition Store Owners & Employees

Yoga Studios


Health Coaches

Sports Coaches

Nutrition Specialists

Health Practitioners

And 1,000's more like you...

We've Certified 1000's of students worldwide since 2003 including Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Gym Owners & Employees, Nutrition Store Owners & Employees, Yoga Studios, Health Practitioners, Dietitians, Health Coaches, Sports Coaches, Nutrition Specialists and 1000s more

Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist group photo of CFNS, Certified Nutrition Specialist Students

Many have utilized their certification to grow their businesses…

And have built highly successful practices and businesses.

🥦 Dr. Stephanie Nielsen applied this Certification and the Custom Software to her practice, and tripled her income while only working 2 days/week.

🥦 Dickens Fenelon hit his goal of 6 figures within 8 months, and doubled it his 2nd year!”

🥦 Hannah Ormanczyk is regularly enrolling 12-20+ nutrition clients per month, easily adding an additional $10,000+ per month to her practice!

🥦 Russ Sherman "This program has gotten my clients the best results of their lives... I searched high and low for the absolute BEST Nutrition Certification and business training program, and this is it!"

   ...And that’s only scratching the surface...

We’ve coached hundreds of businesses to add an additional $10,000 or more per month - per certified body with this course alone.

And we’ve helped literally THOUSANDS of people grow their nutrition business and nutrition coaching practice.

There is nothing we love more than helping other people build their businesses by attracting, loving and serving their audiences.

We are so looking forward to seeing your success too!

Lucho & Lisza Crisalle - Creators of the Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Certified Nutrition Practitioner CEU accredited programs
M. Wilidng, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist student Testimonial for the Nutrition Specialist course

Mike Wilding, CFNS

"The course is chock full of science-based nutrition facts and explanations all presented in a clear, useful and easy to understand way.

But that’s only part of the beauty of this course. In addition, I learned the best way to use this nutrition knowledge to help others through the “Online What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™” program."

How is this Course Different?

CEU Accredited Nutrition Certification course

Earn the Highest Number of CEU's Available!  No other Nutrition Certification is accredited with the high number of CEU's available here.  Accredited since 2003: 1.9 NASM, 15 AFAA, 1.0 NCCPT, 20 ISSA! And, you can petition all other certifying bodies!

Personalized Onboarding Call to Get You Started! Upon registration, simply schedule your One-on-One Onboarding Call where we will walk you through the entire process, so you can get done in record time.  Jumpstart Your Program Success with this Personal Onboarding Call to Gain Instant Momentum!

Personalized Onboarding Call to get you started when you register for the Certified Nutrition Practitioner course
Fast Track Graphic for the Nutrition Certification Success Program with the Nutrition Certification course

Fast Track Your Way to Completion and Your CEU's. With our optional Nutrition Certification Success (NCS) Coaching Program you will gain instant access to the "Get Done In Record Time" Bonus Module, Ongoing E-mail Support Success Tips, Weekly LIVE telephone one-on-one LASER COACHING calls, Course Material Review to ensure success, have Unlimited Time to complete the course at your own pace if you choose, and much, much more!

Based on Science - Designed for the Individual. Instead of "teaching" you 101 different diet modalities with no way to apply them, or misleading your clients to eating thumbfuls of fat, palmfuls of protein, fistfuls of veggies, etc., you will learn how to implement a PROVEN, SCIENCE-BASED Nutrition Philosophy custom made for the individual, as well as gain the knowledge to develop and test your own Nutrition Philosophy giving you the ability to guarantee your clients' results.

Based on science - designed for the individual graphic for the Certified Nutrition Practitioner science-based nutrition philosophy
Custom Nutrition Program graphic for the Certified Nutrition Practitioner course

Learn to Create True CUSTOM Nutrition Programs. Instead of "cramming" your clients into a one size fits all box for being endomorphs, ectomorphs or mesomorphs and then telling them to eat a certain number of "fistfuls of veggies, cupped hands of carbs, palmfuls of protein and thumbfuls worth of fat," learn how to create Custom Nutrition Plans that base carbohydrate, protein and fat needs on your clients' lean body mass, duration, frequency and intensity of exercise (or lack thereof) and how to adjust their plans based on their individual response to their program. It's not "rocket science," it's Nutrition Science!

Student Access to Cutting Edge Software. You will gain access to the student version of Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc. "Click & Choose" Online What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™. Once you complete the course you may choose to continue using our software at a hugely reduced graduate price, making it easy to create Custom Nutrition Programs for your clients with a few clicks of the mouse. Best of all, you can choose to continue using our proven Nutrition Philosophy, or incorporate your own just as naturally and easily.

Online What Works Custom Nutrition Software graphic for student access to create custom nutrition programs

Learn to Create Your Own Economy. You will learn how to structure your nutrition counseling business so that it creates immediate income, how to have your clients continue to renew with you, and to continue to create a recurring income from them even after they have completed their one on one work with you. You will learn how to create residual income based on your knowledge!

Outside Your Scope of Practice? NOT TRUE! Many certifying bodies want you to believe that, when in reality, it only applies to very few states in the US. If you happen to live in a state where you are "not supposed to give nutrition advice," we will teach you how to LEGALLY and ETHICALLY be able to help your clients reach their goals faster utilizing custom nutrition plans... and how to get tons of referrals while at it.

One FREE Ticket to attend the Live MONETIZE YOUR NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE Experience graphic

SPECIAL BONUS:  Discounted Ticket to the MONETIZE YOUR NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE Experience Online Course. Go through the course at your own pace. Tickets sell for $197 to $997 for VIP (special discount revealed inside your course).

How is this Course Different?

CEU Accredited Nutrition Certification course

Earn the Highest Number of CEU's Available!  No other Nutrition Certification is accredited with the high number of CEU's available here.  Accredited since 2003: 1.9 NASM, 15 AFAA, 1.0 NCCPT, 20 ISSA! And, you can petition all other certifying bodies!

Personalized Onboarding Call to get you started when you register for the Certified Nutrition Practitioner course

Personalized Onboarding Call to Get You Started! Upon registration, simply schedule your One-on-One Onboarding Call where we will walk you through the entire process, so you can get done in record time.  Jumpstart Your Program Success with this Personal Onboarding Call to Gain Instant Momentum!

Fast Track Graphic for the Nutrition Certification Success Program with the Nutrition Certification course

Fast Track Your Way to Completion and Your CEU's. With our optional Nutrition Certification Success (NCS) Coaching Program you will gain instant access to the "Get Done In Record Time" Bonus Module, Ongoing E-mail Support Success Tips, Weekly LIVE telephone one-on-one LASER COACHING calls, Course Material Review to ensure success, have Unlimited Time to complete the course at your own pace if you choose, and much, much more!

Based on science - designed for the individual graphic for the Certified Nutrition Practitioner science-based nutrition philosophy

Based on Science - Designed for the Individual. Instead of "teaching" you 101 different diet modalities with no way to apply them, or misleading your clients to eating thumbfuls of fat, palmfuls of protein, fistfuls of veggies, etc., you will learn how to implement a PROVEN, SCIENCE-BASED Nutrition Philosophy custom made for the individual, as well as gain the knowledge to develop and test your own Nutrition Philosophy giving you the ability to guarantee your clients' results.

Custom Nutrition Program graphic for the Certified Nutrition Practitioner course

Learn to Create True CUSTOM Nutrition Programs. Instead of "cramming" your clients into a one size fits all box for being endomorphs, ectomorphs or mesomorphs and then telling them to eat a certain number of "fistfuls of veggies, cupped hands of carbs, palmfuls of protein and thumbfuls worth of fat," learn how to create Custom Nutrition Plans that base carbohydrate, protein and fat needs on your clients' lean body mass, duration, frequency and intensity of exercise (or lack thereof) and how to adjust their plans based on their individual response to their program. It's not "rocket science," it's Nutrition Science!

Online What Works Custom Nutrition Software graphic for student access to create custom nutrition programs

Student Access to Cutting Edge Software. You will gain access to the student version of Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc. "Click & Choose" Online What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™. Once you complete the course you may choose to continue using our software at a hugely reduced graduate price, making it easy to create Custom Nutrition Programs for your clients with a few clicks of the mouse. Best of all, you can choose to continue using our proven Nutrition Philosophy, or incorporate your own just as naturally and easily.

Learn to Create Your Own Economy. You will learn how to structure your nutrition counseling business so that it creates immediate income, how to have your clients continue to renew with you, and to continue to create a recurring income from them even after they have completed their one on one work with you. You will learn how to create residual income based on your knowledge!

Outside Your Scope of Practice? NOT TRUE! Many certifying bodies want you to believe that, when in reality, it only applies to very few states in the US. If you happen to live in a state where you are "not supposed to give nutrition advice," we will teach you how to LEGALLY and ETHICALLY be able to help your clients reach their goals faster utilizing custom nutrition plans... and how to get tons of referrals while at it.

One FREE Ticket to attend the Live MONETIZE YOUR NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE Experience graphic

SPECIAL BONUS:  Discounted Ticket to the MONETIZE YOUR NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE Experience Online Course. Go through the course at your own pace. Tickets sell for $197 to $997 for VIP (special discount revealed inside your course).


The Certified Nutrition Practitioner™ Curriculum Focuses on Giving you the Tools, Skills & Training You Need to Help Others on the Road to Optimum Health!

And, you can choose 1, 2 or 3 Easy Payments...

Certified Nutrition Practitioner™

Get Started Today!

Instant Access to the 20 Module Online Certification Course

Up to 6 Months to Complete the Final Exam

Jumpstart Your Program with a Personal Onboarding Call to

Gain Instant Momentum!

Free Access to Student Version of the

What Works® Custom Nutrition Software™


(Petition All Other Certifying Bodies)

Optional Upgrade to the

Nutrition Certification Success (NCS) Program

No Waiting for the Next Group Program - START TODAY!

SPECIAL BONUS: Discounted Ticket to attend the Live MONETIZE YOUR NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE Experience Online Course (complete it at your own pace-your special discount inside the course).

Your Choice of 1, 2, or 3 Payments!

Your Choice of 1 Payment of $498.50 or

Use PayPal Pay Later & get 0% Interest for 4 months OR

Get 12-24 months to pay with low interest using PayPal Pay Later



Now Just $747.75

SAVE $249.25

"I now work with a minimum of 100 people at all times within the 1st year of business of my newly created company."

Shelby M. CFNS, Eating Psychology Coach, Certified Mind Body Practitioner, certified fitness nutrition specialist

Shelby McDaniel, CFNS, Eating Psychology Coach, Certified Mind Body Practitioner

“I instantly gravitated toward Lucho's Nutrition Certification program and systems of success. Following the directions and coaching from Lucho & Lisza, I grew my clientele very quickly. I knew I had a gift and the ability to take my business to a level I never thought I could before. I took all that I learned from Lucho and years of working in a 1-on-1 client setting and adjusted systems to create an innovative online coaching program.

I now work with a minimum of 100 people at all times within the 1st year of business of my newly created company. Soon we will be expanding with business affiliates and hire more nutritionists and/or registered dieticians to help run this program. None of this would be possible without the expertise from the Crisalle Team."

This is the best nutrition certification

  • Benefit: Learn how to Create CUSTOM Nutrition Meal Plans in seconds

  • Feature: Get Done in One Weekend Option

  • Icon: Comprehensive Current Training


Frequently Asked Questions:

Why Become a Certified Nutrition Practitioner?

The CNP Course is a CEU Accredited program, serving medical, health, wellness, fitness & nutrition professionals since 2003 so that they can confidently address their clients/patients health issues and grow their career as a Nutrition Practitioner.

How Long Does It Take to Complete the Course?

Most people complete the course in 4-8 weeks, however it is possible to do so in less time. Should you elect to follow the DIY option, you will have 6 months to complete the final exam. Should you choose to upgrade to the Nutrition Certification Success (NCS) coaching, you will be able to lengthen the completion time indefinitely, and retake the exam as many times as needed to successfully complete the course.

Do I have Support While Taking the Course?

Yes and No. Yes, you will have general support, such as how and where to access course, software, etc. AND when you enroll, you will have the option to upgrade to the NCS coaching and have ongoing support and direct access along the way, have your materials checked BEFORE you submit them, and the ability to retake the exam as many times as needed until you successfully pass the course.

Who Can I Work With?

CNP's do NOT diagnose or treat any disease, nor do they practice medicine (unless of course, you are a medical doctor taking our course). Everything they do is science and evidence-based and designed for healthy individuals who want to maintain or improve health through proper nutrition, designed for the individual.

Does this Course Include Sales Training?

Yes, the CNP Course is the only Nutrition Certification that includes an entire section on "Sales with Integrity" and the understanding and implementation of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a resource to ensure success. NLP is the same motivational strategies used by Tony Robbins and many other world renowned motivational experts.

What is Required to Pass?

You must obtain a score of 80% or greater to pass the exam. It consists of an open book, multiple choice & T/F exam, you will be required to create 3 Custom Nutrition Programs - 2 case studies (one on self, and 2 more with data provided) and Answer 4 simple questions on each case study. Create a Course Packet and mail it in for grading.


nutrition certification guarantee

You can't lose with our 100% Ironclad, Money-Back Guarantee

Because we are NASM CEU providers, we honor the same 100% money-back guarantee:

>100% Refund within 2 weeks of purchase date.

>50% Refund within 15-30 days of purchase date.

> No refund after 30 days from purchase date.

Let’s face it… this program is powerful and this program works. PERIOD. We stand behind our program because the results have spoken for themselves for our many happy and successful customers. So listen up: we are taking on all the risk here because this SYSTEM is THAT EFFECTIVE. Our guarantee to you is that if you go through the entire program and still do not feel that you have gotten the results that you are excited about… simply drop us an email within 30 days of your purchase with a DEMONSTRATION THAT YOU APPLIED THE PRINCIPLES and your refund request and we will refund every cent (as stated above) – WITHOUT QUESTION.

If what you have read so far makes sense STOP for a second, read on,
and click on the Let's Do This button below.

Now that you are ready to learn how to guide your clients in making their best nutritional choices, and find out for yourself what these choices are, you are ready to:

  • Learn how to back up your claims,
  • Gain credibility in your field,
  • Have the educational background to explain why something works or does not,
  • Have your clients give you credit for their success, instead of thinking it was the latest supplement they took that got them the results,
  • Become aware of what you can say and what not to say – legally! And,
  • ​Finally get paid TOP DOLLAR for your advice and increase your income by $10,000.00 or more per month.

GRAB your program today.

What About Giving Nutrition Advice?

When it comes to creating an income through nutritional advice, we are aware that certain states have specific rules and regulations. We are an International certifying body and cannot possibly keep up with all the laws and regulations worldwide. Even in our own USA there are many different laws in each state. We know of a few states, Illinois, Ohio, Florida, and a handful more where you can only give nutritional advice if you are a doctor or a dietitian. Sounds crazy, right? Especially when most doctors don’t have more than one or two nutrition courses in their entire curriculum! With one of the exceptions being those who have taken our certification.

Can you believe that it is okay for people in those states to log onto the Internet and get really REALLY bad advice, but it is not okay for them to go see someone like you who has been trained by a dietitian (that would be me) who was in charge of giving doctors at the burn unit, intensive care unit, oncology, and orthopedic units at one of our nation’s top hospitals advice on the best nutritional care for their patients?!?!?

Don’t worry, if you happen to live in one of the crazy backwards thinking states, you can still take our course and benefit from the knowledge and improve YOUR LIFE through nutrition, AND also benefit from getting the CEU’s that you want and need. And you should check your state laws and regulations and find out what is “allowed” before you start to give your clients nutritional advice. Yes, you can share with them general nutritional knowledge (as in what are better foods choices, better cooking methods, etc.) but you may not be able to let them know exactly how much to eat, when, and why.

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